Sugar n Flakes Bakery

227 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue WA 98004

Baby Shower Cakes

Baby Shower is the perfect time to celebrate the impending birth of new member for any family. It is the time when all friends and relatives gather up together to give blessings to the expecting mother and give gifts.

Our team of professionals make sure in every sense that all the feelings and blessings of friends and relatives are conveyed to the expecting mother through their versatile creativity by conceptualizing in form of Cake. Baking Gender Reveal cakes and disclosing hideen secrets remains fun.

We also offer tasting to our customers before deciding upon flavor. You can also opt to have different flavors and fillings for each tier of the cake from our rich & special wide variety of flavors.

To book your slot today, pleaseĀ CLICK HERE